2020-07-25 11:30:29





他說:“河流不會喝自己河裡的水。 樹木不吃自己的果實; 陽光不會照在自己身上,花朵也不會為自己散發出香味。 為他人而活是大自然的法則。 我們都是天生出來要互相幫助的。 不管環境有多困難……你快樂時,你的日子就是美好的,但是當別人因為你而快樂時,你的日子就會更好。”

那麼,讓我們所有人都記得,葉子的每一種變化的顏色都是美麗的,生活的每一種變化的情況都是有意義的;兩者都需要非常清晰的視野。 因此,不要發牢騷或抱怨,相反地,讓我們記住痛苦是我們活著的證據,有問題代表我們是堅強的,而禱告代表我們並不孤單! 如果我們能夠承認這些真理,並因此用這些真理來設定我們心靈狀態,我們的生活將變得更加有意義,更不一樣和更有價值! ☘️☘️☘️

☘️A beautiful message from Holy Father Pope Francis:
he says, “Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is…Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.” Let us all remember then that every changing colour of a leaf is beautiful and every changing situation of life is meaningful, both need very clear vision. So do not grumble or complain, let us instead remember that Pain is a sign that we are alive, Problems are a sign that we are strong and Prayer is a sign we are not alone!! If we can acknowledge these truths and condition our hearts and minds, our lives will be more meaningful, different and worthwhile!! ☘️☘️☘️
🌿Wish you a blessed day 🌿


